There’s something insanely sexy to me about amateur porn. The passion is there, the ladies are following their own bodies not a director, and those moans. Damn. There is nothing fake about the way she arches her back to take it in just a little further. Or the way her toes curl & her eyes roll back when she cums. It’s mind blowing to me.
I’ve seen my fair share of, I guess you’d call it professional porn. The girls who have been doing this for years. They know all the camera angles, they know when to moan on cue, and they know they usually don’t give a crap about being there. It’s just a paycheck essentially. That just doesn’t turn me on the same.
If you’d rather see some gorgeous, real life girls, reaching their own sexual ecstasy, you’ve got to find huge discounts on amateur porn sites. Seriously, one of the best finds I’ve made. I’ve saved a ton of money on sites I already loved, and found new favorites since check this out!